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ESC 160
Lavica88Date: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:21:35 | Message # 31
Group: Publika
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Polly, ovaj put 0 za 0. Bog nije iz nase price. laugh biggrin

~ Radi kako misliš, živi kao lavica! ~
NikolaKhaitDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:23:35 | Message # 32
Masa with an S
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Sisata Sfinga, Anchy, ovako je raspodelila svoje glasove: 

NW 12 
Milck 10 
Judas 8 
Devil pray 7 
Sirusho 6 
Carmina Burana 5 
Halo 4 
Holy water 3 
Bruno Mars 2 
Train 1

Why do all good things come to an end?
PollyDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:24:07 | Message # 33
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Quote Lavica88 ()
Polly, ovaj put 0 za 0. Bog nije iz nase price.

Definitivno.  laugh  Bit će bolje sljedeći put.

Sinners judging sinners for sinning differently.
NikolaKhaitDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:25:14 | Message # 34
Masa with an S
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urkeeeee je glasao ovako:

12 - Sirusho, Jelena, Boaz - Time To Pray 

10 - Madonna - Devil Pray 

8 - Milck - Devil Devil 

7 - Imagine Dragons - Believer 
6 - Lady Gaga - Judas 
5 - D-Devils - Dance With The Devil 
4 - Bruno Mars - Locked Out Of Heaven 
3 - Carrie Underwood - Jesus, Take The Wheel  
2 - Madonna - Holy Water  
1 - Lana Del Rey - Religion

Why do all good things come to an end?
Lavica88Date: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:26:27 | Message # 35
Group: Publika
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Quote NikolaKhait ()
Sisata Sfinga

Dojkica. heart

~ Radi kako misliš, živi kao lavica! ~
NikolaKhaitDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:29:54 | Message # 36
Masa with an S
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Stigli smo do prvog preseka hihi

1. Devil Devil - Milck  29
2. Carmina Burana  1F
3. Madonna - Holy water 1A
4. Madonna - Devil pray 19 
4. Sirusho - Time to pray 19
6. Lady Gaga - Judas 18
7. Nightwish - Bless the child 13
8. Imagine Dragons - Believer 13
9. Art Diler - Oci crnog andjela 11
10. Stanija - Santa Marija C
11. Beyonce - Halo B
12. Train A
13. Bruno Mars 9
14. D-Devils 8
15. Lana del Rey 6
16. Hozier 4
17. Carrie Underwood 3

Why do all good things come to an end?
anchyDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:31:07 | Message # 37
Group: Publika
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Po n-ti put ću reći (a, Boga mi, n teži beskonačnosti) - pored ovakvih prijatelja...

Hvala Lavice i Polly na poenima, očigledno ženske uši imaju bolji sluh biggrin

Kad se bojiš - ne postojiš!
troyaDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:33:18 | Message # 38
The Grim Reaper
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Jel neko pomenuo dojku? eek
Lavica88Date: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:33:57 | Message # 39
Group: Publika
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Quote troya ()
Jel neko pomenuo dojku?

Jeste, pocni kuckati jednom rukom.

~ Radi kako misliš, živi kao lavica! ~
NikolaKhaitDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:33:57 | Message # 40
Masa with an S
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iwannabuyskill123/Aleksa/Chris Keller/BeosongJeNamesten je glasao necitljivo: 

12p - 15
10p - 7
8p - 8
7p - 4
6p - 9
5p - 16
4p - 1

3p - 11
2p - 17
1p - 14

Why do all good things come to an end?
PollyDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:34:15 | Message # 41
Group: Game host
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Quote anchy ()
Hvala Lavice i Polly na poenima, očigledno ženske uši imaju bolji sluh

Iznenadilo me da ih se netko uopće sjetio. biggrin Ja nisam već godinama.

16. od 17  wacko  opet na dnu  biggrin

Sinners judging sinners for sinning differently.
troyaDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:35:51 | Message # 42
The Grim Reaper
Group: Game host
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STOP STOP organizatoru dragi

ovaj esc se ponistava zbog vulgarnosti
anchyDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:36:31 | Message # 43
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Quote Polly ()
Iznenadilo me da ih se netko uopće sjetio.
I očekivala sam, ako ih neko uopšte zna, da si to ti biggrin

Kad se bojiš - ne postojiš!
NikolaKhaitDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:38:14 | Message # 44
Masa with an S
Group: Publika
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Sšacčćk je glasao ovako:

1. Madonna - Holy water 
2. Beyonce - Halo dosta poena - 2 
3. Madonna - Devil Pray - 3 
4. Stanija - Sveta Marija  
5. Carl Orff - O Fortuna ~ Carmina Burana  
6. Nightwish - Bless The Child - 12 
7. Train - Hey, Soul Sister - 6 
8. Bruno Mars - Locked Out Of Haven - 4 
9. Imagine Dragons - Believer - 8 
10. Carrie Underwood - Jesus, take the wheel - 7 
11. Lady Gaga - Judas  
12. Sirusho, Jelena, Boaz - Time To Pray - 10 
13. Devil Devil - Milck 
14. Art Diler - Oci crnog andjela - 5 
15. D-Devils - Dance With The Devil 
16. Lana Del Rey - Religion 
17. Hozier - Foreigner's God - 1

Why do all good things come to an end?
stingemmmDate: Friday, 20 April 2018, 21:39:20 | Message # 45
Trainwreck diktator
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Quote Lavica88 ()
izgubio kompas

Zar ga je dotični ikada imao?

Go fuck your prototype
I'm an upgrade of your stereotype.